Frequently Asked Questions
Anchored Living Counselling FAQ
Your first session will be focused on getting to know one another and how we can best work together. I will discuss with you your rights as a client including privacy. We will be going through some paperwork and although it may seem a bit boring, it’s important to make sure you are on the same page before starting this journey. I am committed to you being prepared to make an informed decision to participate in working with me. Please feel free to ask me any questions about my policies or address any concerns you have regarding anything discussed, or you’ve read. I will then invite you to let me know a bit about yourself and as much or as little as you wish to share about what has brought you to see me. This involves me listening to you and at times, asking you questions to gain a deeper understanding of what you are communicating. Sometimes the questions I may ask might make you uncomfortable. You are always welcome to decline answering a question. I will encourage you to exercise your choice to say yes/no/maybe/I don’t know/pass/stop/I am done for today. You can also ask me questions, and I have the same right to choose in answering. What’s important to me is that you have open communication and make sure that we're a good fit for working together. If you think that’s not the case after our first couple of meetings, just let me know. No hard feelings. And if I feel that I may not be the best person to meet your needs, I will let you know who I think could be a better fit.
The following Buzzfeed article provides some perspective on your first session: 17 Things Therapists Want You to Know Before Your First Session.
Psychotherapy is a supportive and collaborative process that enables clients the opportunity to explore their experiences including thoughts, beliefs, emotions, sensations, movements and patterns of behavior that get in the way of living more fully.
Most appointments are 60 minutes or 90 minutes. We use what is referred to as a 'clinical hour' - 50 minutes for direct services and 10 minutes for charting notes, treatment planning, etc or 80 minutes for direct services and 10 minutes for charting notes, treatment planning, etc. Longer appointments are also available by request. I offer 15-minute free phone consultations for individuals considering becoming clients
Missed appointments or late cancellations (less than 24-hour notice) will result in a late cancellation fee equivalent to a full session.
Please note that extended healthcare providers typically do not reimburse for cancelled or missed appointments; as such, you may be fully responsible for the cost of a late cancellation.
A referral is not required to receive psychological services.
However, your extended health plan may require a referral from your family physician in order to be reimbursed for psychological services. For specific coverage information, it is best to contact your insurance provider.
Psychological service fees vary depending on the length and nature of services rendered, and all fees are set in accordance with provincial guidelines suggested for the profession. Please contact me for more information. My fees are in line with the market standard for my level of education and experience.
Fees for psychological services may be tax deductible, if claimed on your income tax as medical expenses.
Payment methods: Payments by cash, EFT, Visa and Master card are accepted.
See our rates here.
Most extended health care providers offer full or partial coverage for psychological services. For specific coverage information, it is best to contact your insurance provider.
Yes! I can direct bill to most major insurance companies including Alberta Blue Cross, Canada Life, and Green Shield.
If your insurance company is not set up for direct billing services (i.e. Manulife or Sunlife), a receipt will be provided to you for reimbursement purposes.
Legally and ethically, your records are protected, and no information is disclosed without your expressed written permission.
There are a few exceptions to this rule, some of which are listed below:
1. If a client makes a serious threat to harm themselves or to harm another individual, the law requires us to try to protect you and/or that person. This may involve calling a loved one, 911 emergency services, or the police.
2. If there is suspected child abuse/neglect, or abuse/neglect of an older or vulnerable adult, we are required to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
3. For clients involved with the criminal justice system, clinical records could be subpoenaed for court.
The limits of confidentiality will be included in your intake form to be read prior to your first appointment. We will also review the same with you at your initial appointment.
I do not provide emergency crisis services or 24/7 support. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.
Additional Resources:
1. Distress Centre Calgary (24-hour crisis phone support) 403-266-HELP (4357)
2. Connect Teen (24-hour support for teens) 403-264-8336 or text 587-333-2724
3. Community Resource Team (24-hour crisis support for families) 403-266-9699
4. Alberta Health Services – ACCESS Mental Health: (403) 943-1500
5. List of crisis lines and centres across Canada: https://suicideprevention.ca/need-help/